Explosive Fibres Ltd. Design and Manufacture in our own factory in Cornwall.
We are 38 years old, our clothing brand is one of the oldest Bodybuilding clothing companies still in existence.
You may contact us using any of the following:
Email: explosivefibres@googlemail.com
Explosive Fibres Ltd
7 Southern Court
Newport Industrial Estate
PL15 8 EX
Send us a message on social media. Links to our active social media pages:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explosivefibres/?hl=en
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Clothing-Store/Explosive-Fibres-Ltd-XXXL-Muscle-Clothing-197331266979454/
Registration number: 08744450
Explosive Fibres Ltd. is a limited company registered in England, UK.